Create a Pop Up Link on Blog

Create a Pop Up Link on Blog

How to Create a Pop-Up Link on Blog - You must already know the regular link if the click will go directly to the existing page on the link. There is also a link that will open a new page when clicked. While in this tutorial, we will create a link that is pop up.

How to Pop Up the Link?

A pop-up link is a link that when clicked opens a link in a new window / Open Link In New Window. However, this pops up link can we set its own window size, can be bigger or smaller. Some say if the link is created with Open In New Tab or a new page will be more SEO, well what about the link that opens a new window? I think more SEO as well.

How To Make Pop Up Links

Standard Link Differences, Open Links in new tabs, and Standard Link Upload 


<a href="">Link </a>

The link opens in a new tab

<a href="" target="_blank">Blogersfind</a>

Pop Up Link

<a href='' onclick=';&apos;, &apos;popupwindow&apos;, &apos;scrollbars=yes,width=550,height=520&apos;);return true' target='popupwindow'>Link Pop Up</a>

You can change the size of new windows that are opened using pop up links by setting the width and height sizes. If you want to create more SEO links, use title/title and alt/description on the link tersebut. Example

<a href="" title="Arlina Design" alt="KingSaviour Design - Freedygist" target="_blank">Link SEO</a>

I think so many tutorials this time about Blogersfind  Hope can be useful. Good luck and thank you for visiting.
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