Commenting is the best strategy for extending association among you and visitors. If you are a blogger and you are getting more comments and visitors, they furthermore may ask a couple of request by commenting to you and may be you are settling these difficulties of them yet how to understand that the request's answer solver is greatly that you. There might be positives and negatives comments, anyone can create comment by using director as his/her name, so if he form negative being manager then what do you do? By then in that time there might be a couple of issues. So to avoid this kind of issues, you should highlight your comment.
How to Highlight Comment Of Author:-
- Just Log In into your blogger dashboard.
- Then as usual go to template and click on edit html.
- Now Press CTRL+F and find the </body>.
- Copy the following code and just paste above the </body>.
<!--author comment highlight-->
<script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { function highlight(){ $(',.ssyby').closest('.comment-block') .css('border', '1px solid #e1e1e1') .css('background','#f1f1f1 url("") no-repeat bottom right') .css('padding', '10px'); } $(document).bind('ready scroll click', highlight); });</script><a style="display:none" href=""> Widgets</a>
<!--author comment highlight-->
- Now click on Save Template.
Verified Twitter Page Tick Mark For Admin Comments In Blogger
Here now I am going to tell you how to make different comment of admin from users. So you can add verified twitter page
tick mark for blogger admin or author comment. Have you ever noticed a
tick mark in any celebrity and leader's twitter page. This kind of
verified mark is only provided for the worldwide famous stuff, such as
for actors, best companies etc. Likewise we are just going to put it as
for an admin comments.
Follow the following instructions for further process.
- Log in into you blogger account.
- Go to the template as usual.
- Press ctrl+f and find .comments .comments-content, then delete all the code inside this class. The content looks this:
background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url();
- Now you should paste the following code in that deleted field.
background: url("") no-repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;
- Then click on Save Template.
Comment us for any problem.
Thank You.
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